
Light of Life (LoL) came into being with my repentance. I left my job/business and joined different local missionary teams to evangelize the word of God in my home country.

In 1983, I went for evangelical training in the USA. I came back to my country and organized LoL as a complete evangelistic and welfare organization. An Executive Board was formed with members from different walks of life who volunteered to participate fully or partly in LoL.

Crusades were and being conducted in the far-reaching areas of the country where means of communication are quite difficult. Evangelical recorded cassettes are sold to people at a very low cost and on a no-profit no-loss basis. Biblical literature and Bibles are distributed freely among non-Christians. Other community welfare work is also undertaken through LoL. Different youth organizations have been formed to promote the word of God among young people.

The LoL was formed on the basis of self-help, but the aims and objectives could not be fulfilled completely as the mass media support is very poor due to lack of funds.  However, prayer channels have been set up for friends in the home country and abroad who are working for the Lord through whom LoL is survived.